Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis
The Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis is a professional, non-profit entity that aims to promote and develop psychoanalysis as scientific discipline and therapeutic method.
Members, Candidates
30 members
6 junior candidates in training at the theoretical-clinical seminars
37 senior candidates
Short History
After a first stage of an synchronic reception of psychoanalysis cut short by the communist regime arriving in power after WWII, the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis was established immediately after the political and social changes of 1989, in February 1990.
The first Romanian psychoanalysts were evaluated (1994-1995) and became direct IPA members in 1997, and subsequently the Romanian group was assessed and recognized as an IPA Study group in 2000, under the supervision of a Sponsoring Committee.
Starting with 2011 the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis (SRP) becomes an IPA Provisional Society and EPF Member Society and The Sponsoring Committee became the Liaison Committee and changes its composition in 2013.
The status of Component Society of IPA was granted to SRP at the Buenos Aires IPA Congress in the summer of 2017.
IPA Study Group since 2000
IPA Provisional Society since 2011
IPA Component Society since 2017
Training Institute
Training model: French model
Contact: danielaluca2@gmail.com
Based on the tri-partite concept of education: analysis, supervisions and a didactic theoretical element of courses and seminars. The analysis goes on before admission to training. Frequency is not determined extrinsically but intrinsically (usually 3-4 times a week) between the analyst and the candidate, and depends on clinical indications. Supervision is regarded as the process that makes the candidate an analyst. Emphasis is on deep analytic listening – to patient material, and that of the candidate. The supervisor plays an essential and equal part in evaluation and validation – s/he presents the case to the evaluating group. Only Full Members of Societies can do supervision.
Other structures within the Society
Executive Committee
Scientific Committee
Training Committee
Ethics Committee
Special scientific / clinical / outreach activities
Annual Summer School of Psychoanalysis – outreach, 16 editions
Annual Conference of Psychoanalysis, 14 editions Study Seminar of CPLF (Congress of psychoanalysts of French language) texts, since 2010; SRP is a Component Society of the CPLF since 2013
Ethics Committee
President of the Ethics Committee
Brindusa Orasanu
The ethical code of the SRP is updated according to the ethical code of the IPA, with an additional item regarding plagiarism
Cooperation with other Institutions, Universities, etc
A Master's Degree program in psychoanalysis is functioning since 2009 in partnership with Titu Maiorescu University