European Psychoanalytical Federation

The federation of psychoanalytical societies of Europe. The forum for scientific and institutional exchange.

The European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF) is the scientific federation of all European psychoanalytical Societies and Study Groups belonging to the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Established in 1966-1969, today it consists of 43 Societies with nearly 5500 members and 2500 candidates in 32 countries in which 27 languages are spoken.

Freedom - Freiheit - Liberté

The Argument and the Call for New Authors for the 38th EPF Annual Conference in Dresden are here ...

Conference 2024 papers


The Newly Qualified Training Analysts Meeting is an annual event in Brussels where all participants have the chance to meet in person. In September 2024, we invite ...

New Publication Guidelines

The revised EPF Style Guide and Publication Policy are intended for authors of papers submitted for the EPF Conference and Bulletin ...

EPCUS 2024

October 3 – 5, in the EPF House, Brussels.

Save the Date!

EPF Societies

The innovative website section with the direct participation of the societies, which includes...

The Red Book

A handbook about EPF – the "Red Book" contains the basic information about the EPF, its structure and its activities.

Interactive map

Explore the EPF Member Societies

Click on a country on the map
to learn more about its psychoanalytical societies.

Upcoming Events

World Psychotherapy Congress

Children. Family. Community. Future.

Heydar Aliyev Center Baku, Azerbaijan

Sep. 6 – 9, 2024


The EPF Bulletin

Number 77 / 2023

35 Articles

EPF House

Since late 2015 the EPF has its own house, situated in the Rue Gérard in Brussels. The House is open to all members and candidates of EPF societies. You can visit it during smaller EPF conferences, some of the EPF working groups meet here. House Gérard can also host other meetings aiming at European/international collaboration.