Portuguese Psychoanalytical Society

Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise


The Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society (SPP) is a scientific society with the statute of Private Institution of Social Solidarity (IPSS), in the form of a non-profit association, whose purpose is to investigate, develop and disseminate psychoanalytic science as well as its integration and relations with other branches of knowledge. It is affiliated to the International Psychoanalytical Association and to the European Federation of Psychoanalysis.

Home page of the website

Members, Candidates

Members – 98
Candidates – 138

Short History

The SPP history goes back to 1957 and it was just in 1981 that became an IPA component Society as you can see below.

SPP was founded on 24th February 1973
Luso-Spanish Study Group 1957 (20th IPA Congress-Paris)
Luso-Spanish Psychoanalytic Society 1959 (21st IPA Congress-Denmark)
IPA Study Group since 1967 (28º IPA Congress-Denmark)
IPA Provisional Society since 1977 (30º IPA Congress-Israel)
IPA Component Society since 1981 (32º IPA Congress-Finland)


Training model – French Model

Lisbon Institute (IP) and Porto Institute (IFTP)

Lisbon Institute (IP) - Founded in 1978, with valences as a clinic for analytical therapy and training for future

Training model – French Model

Lisbon Institute (IP) and Porto Institute (IFTP)

Lisbon Institute (IP) - Founded in 1978, with valences as a clinic for analytical therapy and training for future psychoanalysts, as a scientific research centre and as a promoter of scientific activities, collaborating with other technicians and health services.

Porto Institute (IFTP) - Founded in 1998 to ensure and facilitate the training of candidates residing in the north of the country with the same objectivs as the one of Lisbon.

Other structures within the Society

SPP (General Assembly, Board, Fiscal Council), Training Committee, Ethics Committee, 2 Institutes (Lisbon and Porto), Portuguese Psychoanalytic Journal (Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise-RPP) and IPSO, COCAP, COWAP and COFAP representatives.

Free clinic / Councelling

Both Institutes have a clinic open to the community at affordable prices and provide psychoanalysis for candidates in training and psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

IP (Lisbon)
institutopsicanalise@gmail.com (+351)217 972 108
IFTP (Porto)
iftp.porto@gmail.com (+351)226 067 511

Special scientific / clinical / outreach activites

Annual SPP Colloquium / Bi-annual Iberian Encounters (SPP, APM-Madrid, SEP-Barcelona) / Bi-annual CPLP-Congress of Psychoanalysis of Portuguese Speakers (Portugal, Brasil and Africa) / Annual Institute Encounter (IP and SPP) / Bi-annual Porto Psychoanalysis and Culture Colloquium (IFTP and SPP) /  Clinical Issues Working Group (Haydée Faimberg model) / 3LM Working Group / Writing in Psychoanalysis Working Group / COWAP Working Group /  Working Group on Epistemology, Research and Clinical Practice /  EPF, CPLF and CPLP Preparation Working Groups / Journal Club / “Vira(l)Solidariedade” (telephone free support to community during the pandemic Covid-19) / On demand Working Groups with Cape Verde colleagues

Outreach Activities — SPP Blog / Oedipus in Alexandria - on foundational works of psychoanalysis / Cinema & Psychoanalysis Group (Themes- Childhood, Adolescence, Mental Health and The Art and The Artists) / Adolescent and Young Adult Reflection Group / Training in Observation of the Mother-Infant Relationship in the Family - Bick Method / Courses on different psychoanalytic themes.   

Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee is elected in the General Assembly and is the guarantor of the application of the Code of Ethics.
E-mail — comissaoetica.spp@gmail.com


Established over some thirty years, the library contains, through the works acquired and donated, the history of the society itself and the evolution of the psychoanalytic movement from Freud to the present day.
It is an important source of information for the society's members and for the community, promoting the study and dissemination of psychoanalysis. It is the support and reference base for trainees, trainers and researchers. It has more than 44,000 titles. It also provides access to the PEP.

Cooperations with other Institutions, Universities, etc.

Permanent cooperation protocols (Trauma Centre / João dos Santos Centre - Casa da Praia / Psychoanalysis and Cinema Blog / University of Lisbon Medical Students Office).
Occasional cooperation protocols (Universities and Institutes, Ministry of Health and Justice, among others).