Moscow Psychoanalytic Society

Московское психоаналитическое общество


Moscow Psychoanalytic Society is the first Society in Russia to be admitted by the IPA as a component society. It aims to spread psychoanalytic knowledge and to provide psychoanalytic training according to IPA standards.

Members, Candidates

Today MPS includes 33 members and 29 candidates.

Short History

Moscow Psychoanalytic Society was founded in the late 80-s by a small group of enthusiasts, who worked to revive psychoanalysis in Russia after many years of its being forbidden in Soviet times. They

Moscow Psychoanalytic Society was founded in the late 80-s by a small group of enthusiasts, who worked to revive psychoanalysis in Russia after many years of its being forbidden in Soviet times. They conducted weekly meetings, discussing Freud`s writings and their own first attempts in clinical practice.  After the fall of the Iron Curtain they established connection with colleagues from other countries, whose help allowed the members of the group to start their psychoanalytic training and shuttle analysis in European countries. In 2005 this group of psychoanalysts formed a Study Group of IPA. Since 2015 MPS is a component society of IPA.

Founded – 1988
IPA Study Group since - 2005
IPA Provisional Society since - 2010
IPA Component Society since – 2015

Training Institute

Eitingon model

MPS provides psychoanalytic training for a large number of candidates.

Present projects/program

Moscow Psychoanalytic Society conducts professional seminars and conferences, including the international conference “Analyst at work” in collaboration with IJP and Psychoanalytic film festivals.

Members of the society are actively involved in translating contemporary psychoanalytic literature into Russian.  In collaboration with IJP MPS publishes selected articles translated into Russian in International Yearbook of IJP papers.

Also MPS publishes the annual journal which carries theoretical and clinical articles by members.

Special scientific / clinical / outreach activites

Outreach activity includes annual conferences of the Moscow Psychoanalytic Society as well as so called “Big Tuesdays” – monthly meetings of the society, open to wide audience, featuring presentations and round table discussions.

Cooperations with other Institutions, Universities, etc.

Members of Moscow Psychoanalytic Society lead the Master`s degree program of Psychoanalytic psychology, psychoanalytic counselling and psychotherapy at the Moscow State University.

Training analysts of MPS teach at the EPI Institute for Eastern Europe and are involved in other international activities of IPA and EPF.  
Child analysts of MPS are active participants in international scientific and training projects focused on child and adolescent psychoanalysis.