German Psychoanalytical Society/DPG
14 Training Institutes spread across the country with a focus on Berlin.
The DPG considers itself a scientific professional society. It unites psychoanalysts who have completed an analytical training recognised by it. Its tasks are the maintenance, further development and dissemination of psychoanalysis, which was founded by Sigmund Freud and has since been further developed, in research, teaching, therapy, prevention and in all other applications.
Members, Candidates
820 members, thereof 220 IPA members
327 candidates, thereof 90 IPA candidates
Short History
The DPG re-established itself after the catastrophe of the expulsion and murder of Jewish colleagues and the WWII in 1946 in Berlin. It was not readmitted to the IPA in 1949, as its leading representatives followed a neo-psychoanalytic orientation (e.g. Schultz-Hencke). In 1950 the name DPG (German Psychoanalytical Society) was allowed to be used again. In the same year, the DPV (German Psychoanalytic Association) split off from the DPG and was recognised by the IPA. It was only with the reception of the developments of international psychoanalysis and its leading representatives that the DPG became interested again in joining the IPA, which then took place gradually and under special conditions, e.g. that not all members of the DPG had to be IPA members and that a separate IPA training was offered, for which the IPA members of the DPG were responsible. The Chair of the DPG must be an IPA member.
- Re-established as Berlin Psychoanalytical Society in 1946
- Re-named German Psychoanalytical Society in 1950
- IPA Board Provisional Society since 2001
- IPA Component Society since 2009
At its members' meeting in 2024, the DPG adopted a new training regulation that leads to regular membership to the IPA. This overcomes the previous “two-track model”, in which there were two parallel training courses within the DPG, one of which was the responsibility of the DPG-IPV training center and led to membership in the IPA, while this was not the case for the second training track. It was furthermore decided to offer DPG members who are not yet members of the IPV easier access to membership of the IPA for a transitional period.
If you are interested, you can read about the development of the DPG up to 1958 on the DPG homepage. Our member, Regine Lockot, has rendered outstanding services here.
Training Institute
Eitingon Training model
Dipl.-Psych. Martina Müller
Director of IPA Training
The IPA training is managed by a so-called IPA Training Center. It consists of the director and three officers for training, training analyses and curriculum, all elected by the IPA members of the DPG. The Director of Training is also a member of the Board of the DPG. Nine DPG institutes offer IPA training.