The Dutch Psychoanalytical Society is seated in Amsterdam and Utrecht and aims to promote, foster and enhance psychoanalytic work and thinking through the entire Netherlands. It is a unification of three psychoanalytic societies, the former Dutch Psychoanalytic Society, the Dutch Psychoanalytic Association and the Dutch Psychoanalytic Group.
163 members, 163 candidates
Short History
The Dutch Psychoanalytic Society was founded in 1917 and knew a flowering development during the twenties of the past century with centres in Amsterdam and Leiden. Freud visited the Netherlands several times and Jeanne Lampl-de Groot, one of the most significant training analysts of that time was a personal friend of the Freud family. She had been analysed by Freud himself. The Society has been confronted with two major schisms during its existence: In 1946 the Dutch Psychoanalytic Association was founded and in 2006 the Dutch Psychoanalytic Group. Different visions on training matters were the main reason for going separate ways. All three societies were IPA component societies and all three played an active and important role in the psychoanalytic field in the Netherlands, training several candidates and organising scientific activities for members, other mental health professionals and the general public. In 2016, one year before the century celebration of its existence, the societies were able to come together again, thanks to the hard work of many colleagues. This cooperation is still work in progress as we try to be a society for (child) psychoanalysts and candidates with a broad scope of visions.
Training Institute
Training model: Eitingon
Contact: Astrid Bakker
The training consists of a training analysis of 4-5 times a week, self payed for 4 years of theoretical courses and 2 years of technical seminars, min. 2 control psychoanalyses and 2 control psychoanalytic psychotherapies under supervision. The training is completed with a maiden speech in which the candidate presents a case and shows his/her ability to integrate psychoanalytic theory and technique.