19 June 2023
Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis
The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis is edited by the Romanian Society of Psychoanalysis, - IPA Component Society.
The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis was founded in 2007, on the occasion of the International Colloquium of Psychoanalysis “Thinking Hate and Violence” (Bucharest, 2008). The purpose of the journal is to stimulate psychoanalytic research and scientific communication in this field, both between Romanian psychoanalysts, as well as between them and their foreign peers. It is for this reason that the articles are published exclusively in French or English.
The first issue of the journal was published in 2008, and its publication continued at a rate of one issue per year till 2011, when two issues per year were published. The Editing Committee and the Scientific Committee consist of renowned specialists, from Romania and other European countries, with tradition in this field.
The journal constitutes a space of dialogue between psychoanalysts of different theoretical orientations, with clinical experience specific to particular historical contexts in the practice and development of psychoanalysis, as well as a space for interdisciplinary dialogue, offering new openings towards related fields, such as the psychotherapy of psychoanalytic orientation or towards complementary sciences, such as anthropology or philosophy. The journal includes mainly original articles of theoretical and clinical psychoanalysis, as well as articles based on applied research, review articles and also book reviews, on psychoanalytic field. The materials are subject to editorial evaluation and anonymous rev
The Romanian Journal of Psychoanalysis is abstracted/indexed in:
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
- Contemporary Science Association
- Google Academic
- Pepweb
- Sciendo
The present Editorial Board:Director-Georgiana Dobrescu, Editor- in-chief- Sorinel Mocanu, Associate Editor- Gabriela Magureanu
The site of RJP: http://www.srdp.ro