19 June 2023
Revista de Psicoanálisis (Madrid Association)

Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid
Sociedad Componente de la International Psychoanalytical
Association y de la European Psychoanalytical Federation
Since its inception in 1985, the Psychoanalysis Journal of the Psychoanalytical Association of Madrid (APM) has aimed to be a space for living and communicative expression, meeting and respect for the plurality of psychoanalytic thought, which promotes scientific discussion in the APM.

It publishes three monographic issues a year with an introduction to the monographic theme and the following sections: Classics, Monographic Theme, Theoretical-Clinical Dialogues in which several colleagues comment on an article, Commencements on topics of psychoanalysis and culture, Applied Psychoanalysis or other related topics, and Reviews (books, magazines, and events)
The articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board and a team of international reviewers, as well as a group of scientific advisers made up of APM analysts of recognized institutional and editorial prestige associated with the journal.
The Psychoanalysis Journal is included in:
- The “Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)” database
- Índice Bibliográfico Español en ciencias de la Salud [Spanish Bibliographic Health Sciences Index] (IBECS)
- Biblioteca virtual de Psicoanálisis [Virtual Psychoanalysis Library] (BiViPsi)
- Referential Psychology Database (PSICODOC)
- Dialnet: La Rioja University
It is in process for the bibliographic index of the Carlos III University and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online).
To acquire a copy or subscribe, you can request it through the mail apmrevista@apmadrid.org or at the link https://tienda.apmadrid.org/
To submit articles for publication: apmrevista@apmadrid.org