19 June 2023
Lélekelemzés. Journal of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society (MPE)

Lélekelemzés (Psychoanalysis, the Hungarian term originally coined by Ferenczi) is the bi-annual journal of the Hungarian Psychoanalytic Society (MPE). It was founded in 2006 thanks to the private donation of a dedicated member of the society.
The editorial staff consists of candidates and members of our society, eight colleagues work voluntarily on the production of the volumes. Our members are also very active in the proofreading of the articles.
Its content mainly relies on the written versions of the lectures read at the MPE annual conference, but original articles, translations, round table discussions, interviews, essays with reflections, etc. can also be found in the periodical. We had two thematic volumes so far, one on Ogden’s and one on Bion’s work. In 2013, at the centenary celebrations of the foundation of the society a special edition was released, containing interviews with the training analysts of the re-founded society and aiming to record the oral history of the post-war history of Hungarian psychoanalytic tradition.
The journal’s important goal is to give members opportunity to publish and share their thoughts and create a space for exciting discussions. Besides that, our similarly important mission is to introduce psychoanalysis to lay and other professional readers.
Since 2017 the journal is published online too, and in 2020 the archive of the journal was digitalized and made accessible to readers.
We are dedicated to preserve psychoanalytic intellectual heritage and practice for the future Hungarian psychoanalysts.
Editorial Board
Márk Bérdi, Zsófia Csáky-Pallavicini, Ágnes Kléger-Sipos, Vera Garami, Zsuzsa Lackó, Anna Schmelowszky-Forgách (Editor-in-chief) Dénes Szemán, Katalin Szőke
Web address: https://psychoanalysis.hu/
Publisher: Magyar Pszichoanalitikus Egyesület (president: Ágoston Schmelowszky)
Addresss: Hungary, Budapest - 1081 Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 6. II/29.
E-mail: info@psychoanalysis.hu