07 July 2018
Duveken Engels

The EPF has the sad duty to announce the passing away of our former treasurer Duveken Engels. We will honor her and publish here the obituary of our colleague Gerda Frijda:
The Dutch Psychoanalytic Society sadly announces the passing away of Duveken Engels.
Duveken has been a very active and valuable member of our Society. Not only was she a conscientious clinician, but she also has served as treasurer, secretary, and several terms as President, under critical circumstances.
Apart from this she was extensively involved in educational and training activities abroad.
First in Rumenia and Lithuania, and later at the Han Groen Prakken Institute for Eastern Europe. For these last achievements our former Queen has appointed her Knight in the Order of Oranje Nassau in 2012.
Her managerial capacities led her to the EPF, where she has served a double term as treasurer, from 2003 on. With sharp insight Duveken has played a part in creating a sound financial basis for the EPF, and she made a contribution towards new transparency in rules and arrangements. Because of her experience and connections in Eastern Europe she was at the same time appointed liaison officer for the PIEE. She also has been a member of COWAP.
In all her positions and roles she impressed with dedication, loyalty and sincerity.
Duveken died last April, after a sickbed endured with dignity and courage.