Where is the Stranger at Home? The Case of Odysseus
10th Delphi International Psychoanalytic Symposium – Pre-Symposium Presentation by Michael Parsons
May. 18, 2024
10th Delphi International Psychoanalytic Symposium invites you to a pre-symposium online presentation and discussion of Michael Parsons’ paper
Where is the Stranger at Home? The Case of Odysseus
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 16.00 London UK time
Presenter: Michael Parsons, Discussant: Sotiris Manolopoulos, Moderator: Dimitris-James Jackson
Is it dangerous to have a stranger at home, or does the stranger need help to find a home? Psychoanalysis invites people to encounter their internal strangers. External strangers arrive in small boats or across borders. Odysseus, returning to Ithaca after the Trojan War, is the classic case of a stranger in his own home. The Odyssey illustrates the challenges, internal and external, of recognising the identity of strangers and helping them know where they can be truly at home. The need to take responsibility, both for oneself and for the world around one, emerges as crucial.
Michael Parsons is a Training and Supervising analyst at the British Psychoanalytical Society He is the author of numerous psychoanalytical papers and his two published books are “The dove that Returns. The Dove that Vanishes. Paradox x and Creativity in Psychoanalysis.”. and “Living Psychoanalysis. From theory to experience. Both published by Routledge in The New Library of Psychoanalysis.
Sotiris Manolopoulos is a child analyst, Training analyst and former President of the Hellenic Psychoanalytical Society. His recently published book in English is titled Psychoanalysis and Euripides’ Suppliant Women. The tragic Reading of Politics. (Routledge/Focus).
Dimitris-James Jackson is a Training Analyst at the Hellenic Society and Guest Member of the British Psychoanalytical Society. He is currently serving on the board of the International Psychoanalytical Association.
Note: A free pre-registration for the event is required.
To register go to: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkdOmgqj8sE9aVfmFOfY3TlQb6k67VsNvs
More information on: https://delphipsychoanalyticsymposium.gr/en/home-page-2/
More information about the next 10th Delphi International Psychoanalytic Symposium in 2026 can be found on the EPF website here: