From individual to collective psyche: groups
Nov. 10 – 11, 2023
The 25th International Psychoanalytical Meetings of Istanbul which will take place on November 10-11th 2023 aims to start from the individual and follow the path to the shared psyche, collective and group psychic processes from psychoanalytic perspective.
Psychoanalytic investigations aim to shed light on the nature of the human psyche and a crucial aspect of humankind is that they live in social structures, so that phenomenon falls into the scope of psychoanalysis. Human behavior and psychical processes in groups deserve the methods of psychoanalytical investigations as much as individual psychology. With “Totem and Taboo” in 1913 and “Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego” in 1921, Freud showed his interest in the psychology of masses and continued to write on this subject, with “Civilisation and its Discontents” in 1930 and “Moses and Monotheism” in 1939. The presence of origins of social structures in the individual psyche, and the characteristics of the psychology of the masses which conducts its members to act like a united, single body has always been a tempting issue for psychoanalysts since the beginning.
Our meeting will take place under the circumstances of ongoing wars, witnessing immigration of large groups, and facing global problems like pandemics and ecological issues, and thus we have decided to choose a title as From Individual to Collective Psyche: Groups (Du Psychisme Individuel au Collectif: Les Groupes). Our purpose is to look upon concepts and phenomenons which frequently belong to social sciences such as wars, immigration, religion, and politics from a psychoanalytical perspective, and by combining the psychical processes of large groups with the “Clinic” we aim to enrich the content with a multidisciplinary discussion.
Program / Program
10 Kasım Cuma / 10th November Friday
08.30-09.00 Kayıt / Registration
09.00-09.45 Açılış / Opening
09.45-11.30 Konferans / Conference
Bireysel Tedavide, Küçük Gruplarda ve Kitle Olaylarında Bilinçdışı İttifaklar / Unconscious Alliances in Individual Cure, in Small Groups and in Mass Phenomenas
Bireysel ve Ailesel Somatik ve Psikolojik Travma Sorununu Öznelerarası, Ruhsallıkötesi ve Nesillerarası Açılardan İnceleme / Examining The Problem of Individual and Familial Somatic and Psychological Trauma From Intersubjective, Transpsychic and Intergenerational Perspectives
Moderatör / Chair: Zehra Karaburçak Ünsal
11:30-12:00 Ara / Break
12.00-13.45 Konferans / Conference
Gruplar- Psikanalizin Yeni Bir Öznesi / The Groups - A New Subject of Psychoanalysis
Toplumsal Travmalarda Bireysel ve Kolektif "Psikanalitik Dayanışma" Deneyimleri Üzerine / On the Experiences of ‘Psychoanalytical Solidarity’ in Collective Traumata from Individual and Shared Perspectives
Moderatör / Chair: Ferhan Özenen
13.45-15.15 Ara / Break
15.15-16.45 Konferans / Conference
Kirpiler ve İnsanlar: Yakın Durma - Uzaklaşma İkilemi Üzerine Psikanalitik Düşünceler / Hedgehogs and Humans: Psychoanalytic Reflections on the Proximity-Distance Dilemma
Normdan Psikopatolojiye; Ötekinin İnşası / From Norms to Psychopathology; Construction of the Other
Moderatör / Chair: Behice Boran
16.45-17.00 Ara / Break
17.00-18.30 Atölyeler / Workshops
Yalnızca Ruh Sağlığı Alanında Çalışanlar için / Only for Professionals
Atölye I / Workshop I
Tartışmacı / Discussant: Denis Hirsch
Olgu sunumu / Presenter: Damla Gürkan
Moderatör / Moderator: Zehra Karaburçak Ünsal
Atölye II / Workshop II
Tartışmacı / Discussant: Sverve Varvin
Olgu sunumu / Presenter: Deniz Akyıl
Moderatör / Moderator: Evrem Tilki
Atölye III / Workshop III
Tartışmacı / Discussant: Joseph Triest
Olgu sunumu / Presenter: Deniz Coşan
Moderatör / Moderator: Zümrüt Bulamur Ayadi
11 Kasım Cumartesi / 11th November Saturday
09.00-10.45 Konferans / Conference
Göçmenlere Yönelik Merhamet ve İnsanlıktan Çıkarma Duyguları: Göçmenlerle İlişkilerimizi Etkileyen Grup Süreçleri / Compassion and Dehumanization Towards Refugees: Group Processes that Influence Our Relation to Refugees
Bir Oda, Üç Kişi: Psikanalitik Alanda Çevirmenin Varlığı / One Room, Three People: The Translator’s Presence in the Psychoanalytic Field
Moderatör / Chair: Ayşe Kurtul
10.45-11.15 Ara / Break
11.15-13.00 Yuvarlak Masa / Roundtable
Toplumsal Travmaları Birey ve Grup Ruhsallığı Bağlamında Psikanalitik Olarak Düşünmek / Thinking Psychoanalytically of Social Traumas in the Context of Individual and Group Psychology
Moderatör, Yürütücü / Chair, Presenter : İlker Özyıldırım
13.00-14.30 Ara / Break
14.30-16.00 Konferans / Conference
Analist, Psikanaliz Kurumu ile Karşılaştığında / When Analyst Meets The Psychoanalytic Institution
Sivil Toplum Örgütlerinde Kolektif Ruhsallık Üzerine / On Collective Psyche In Non-Governmental Organizations
Moderatör / Chair: Seda Şahin Özyıldırım
16.00-16:30 Ara / Break
16:30-18.00 Konferans / Conference
Bireyselin Durumu / The Situation of the Individual
Moderatör / Chair: Feramerz Ayadi
18:00 Kapanış / Closure
Etkinlik Merkezi / Venue: Yapı Kredi Kültür Sanat, Loca Salonu, Beyoğlu / İstanbul
Etkinlik Dilleri / Languages: Türkçe ve İngilizce’dir. Konferanslarda ve panellerde eş zamanlı, atölyelerde ise ardıl çeviri yapılacaktır. / Turkish and English. Simultaneous translation into Turkish and English will be provided at the conferences and panels.
Salon katılım: Kayıt: 3000 TL, İPD üyeleri: 2700 TL, IPSO üyeleri: 2400 TL Öğrenci/Asistan: 2100 TL
Çevrimiçi katılım: Kayıt: 2000 TL.
Atölyelere çevrimiçi katılım alınmayacaktır. /
Online participation in the workshops will not be accepted.
Yer sayısı sınırlıdır. / The places are limited.
Kayıt bilgisi için iletişim / For further information on inscription: ipdetkinlik@yahoo.com