Exploring Irrationality in Self and Organization

An Experiential Working Conference for IPA Psychoanalysts

Porto Palace Hotel Thessaloniki, Greece

Qualified IPA psychoanalysts are invited to this unique experiential conference. The conference provides first-hand experience of the Group Relations approach. It launches the effort to introduce this valuable way of learning about unconscious and irrational dynamics to IPA analysts, training institutes and societies.

The world we live in has shown repeatedly its irrational, aggressive and destructive sides. Psychoanalytic practice and organizations are prone, like all social endeavors and entities, to the harmful effects of conscious and unconscious irrational forces. While individual difficulties and pathology may play a role in these, often their impact represents group and organizational dynamics. Understanding such dynamics is a major factor in uncovering and overcoming their deleterious effects.

The conference offers unique opportunities for learning and discovery about oneself and others in the groups and organizations in which we live and work.

The conference will consist of a preliminary online meeting, a four-day in-person event, and a post-conference online meeting.


Conference Director: Shmuel Erlich

Conference Associate Director: Olya Khaleelee

Conference Administrator: Carlos Remotti-Breton


CONFERENCE WEBSITE     https://grcinipa.org/

DOWNLOAD BROCHURE https://grcinipa.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Brochure-GRC-in-IPA.pdf

For further information contact: grcinipa@gmail.com



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