EPF Publication Policy
1) The EPF website and the EPF Bulletin serve the purpose of exchanging information among the members of the European societies and the members of the IPA.
2) The Bulletin is not a journal or a book but an internal organ of communication for members of the EPF (and for interested IPA members). It contains contributions by members and information from the EPF. It is issued annually in three languages (German, English, and French), but, for financial reasons, it is limited in size and extent. Hence, not all presentations at EPF conferences can be published in it. Publication on the website and in the Bulletin does not preclude their use for other publications by third parties (journals, books, online publications). The copyright of the published papers contained in the Bulletin or on the website remains with the respective authors. The Bulletin is not publicly for sale and is not available in book stores.
3) By submitting a paper to EPF for publication, the author warrants and represents that:
- All intellectual property rights in the paper (including, without limitation, the intellectual property rights in any images and graphics integrated into the paper) are either owned by the author or duly licensed to the author by the relevant owner(s) of the intellectual property rights; and
- The author will indemnify and hold harmless EPF, its officers, agents, employees and members against all claims, suits or actions of any nature resulting from or arising out of any actual or alleged violation of any third party intellectual property rights.
If the author has used AI when preparing the paper (e.g. for editing or reviewing purposes) and/or has integrated AI-generated content in the paper, the author must include an AI Use Disclosure statement in the paper. This statement should mention the used AI tools and provide a brief description of how they were employed.
4) The deadlines for submission of presentations at EPF conferences have to be strictly observed to make translations for the website and pre-publishing possible. Late submissions will not be accepted.
5) Relevant changes in the manuscripts will not be accepted once a paper (in its conference version) has been submitted.
6) After receiving them, all main presentations for EPF conferences (i.e. all events with simultaneous translation) will be translated as soon as possible into the other official languages before the conference and will be published before the conference on the website and afterwards in the Bulletin. Other presented papers can by decision of the General Editor be accepted for publication in the Bulletin or on the website.
Please note: If an author does not want his or her paper published, he or she should make this known when the manuscript is submitted in writing to the General Editor.
7) Authors are expected to give correct and extensive references when referring to or quoting relevant publications.
8) Requests for publication on the website or in the Bulletin that are directly related to conference presentations may be submitted to the General Editor in writing and with indication of reasons.
9) In cases of uncertainty or ambiguity concerning the selection of additional texts for publication in the Bulletin, the General Editor may consult the members of the EPF Executive. In principle, original work of younger and less known authors as well as significant contributions from the analysis of children and adolescents should have priority.
10) If the author accepts the publication of his or her paper in the Bulletin or on our website, he or she takes full personal responsibility for its content. If the paper includes clinical material it is the responsibility of the author to observe basic ethical rules in disguising material to avoid problems of confidentiality. In any case, the author must comply with the applicable data protection rules as well as other applicable patient-doctor confidentiality obligations.
11) The author must ensure that no patients are identified or can be made identifiable in the manuscripts/presentation/papers submitted. Furthermore, the author must ensure that the manuscripts/ presentations/papers do not include any patient identifying or identifiable information or otherwise confidential information.
EPF Executive, Brussels, May 14, 2024