European psychoanalysts
EPF Executive 2019: Interviews
French speaking psychoanalysts
The first part of the following collection is based on the video library 1990 – 2004 of the Société Psychanalytique de Paris (SPP) on the SPP website:
The video recordings of Marianne Persine
Marianne Persine as head of the SPP archives created the video library and realized many important records which were in a first time available only at the Bibliothèque Sigmund Freud or on order because the online distribution was not yet possible. Today these records can be accessed via the SPP website on clicking on the links below. The video will open in a new tab:
Other videos in French
are directly accessible via Youtube or Vimeo:
English speaking psychoanalysts
The British Psychoanalytical Society and it's Institute published a certain number of interviews with some of their former leading members under the title Encounters through Generations. These interviews are accessible here via the following links; the videos will open in a new tab:
Other interviews of this serial can be loaned via the BPS website.
A certain number of other interviews or presentations of English speaking psychoanalysts are available via Vimeo or Youtube:
German speaking psychoanalysts
Spanish speaking psychoanalysts
Italian speaking psychoanalysts
Some video presentations may be found on the websites of the Società Psicanalitica Italiana (SPI) and the Associazione Italiana di Psicoanalisi (AIPsi), others are available on Youtube or Vimeo; while clicking on the link the video will open in a new tab: