
Since 1986 there has been a desire to establish a fully functioning EPF archive, with a recognition of the importance of securing the EPF’s history both for operational and research purposes. However, progress since then has unfortunately been sporadic, lacking a clear structure to support these aims.
Initiated by the Executive and the General editor Jasminka Šuljagić, at the EPF Council meeting in November 2023, a general agreement was reached that the EPF archives should be formally established and supported by a management framework. The EPF archive committee have been designated.

The members of the Archive Committee are:
Jasminka Šuljagić, Psychoanalytic Society of Serbia, Chair
Christine Dierks, Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, Member
Christine English, British Society of Psychoanalysis, Member
Ewan O’Neill, Archivist, MSc (City Lond), RMARA
Frank Goderniaux, Administrative assistant to the EPF-FEP Executive

Mission statement
Our mission is to collect, preserve and provide access to the history of the European Psychoanalytic Federation, to facilitate scientific exchange between psychoanalysts in Europe and beyond.

Vision statement
The European Psychoanalytic Federation archive will catalogue, preserve and develop access to its collections to facilitate research on the theory and practice of psychoanalysis.
It will build networks and exchange ideas with other psychoanalytic archives and other allied disciplines to encourage discussion on mutual matters of concern.
It will publish the archive catalogue online and showcase the collections to stimulate new ideas that inspire dialogue among psychoanalysts and celebrate the diversity and unity of the federation.