17 February 2024

Psicoanalisi. Journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association (A.I.Psi)

Founded in 1997, Psicoanalisi is the bi-annual journal of the Italian Psychoanalytical Association https://www.aipsi.it/associazione/chi-siamo/ publishing papers related to specific psychoanalytical clinical and theoretical issues. Nowadays, when the specificity of psychoanalysis risks being diluted or confused with alternative therapies derived from psychoanalysis, or claims to test its effectiveness and reliability by applying methods suited to other branches of science, Psicoanalisi aims to highlight and develop what is specific to this discipline.


The journal is divided into two sections.

One section includes papers by Italian analysts anonymously peer reviewed by a board of qualified analysts belonging to other IPA Societies.

The other section includes international essays that, although the authors may already be known in Italy, have not yet been translated into Italian, as well as essays written by authors who are less known in Italy, in order to guarantee diffusion of the psychoanalytic thinking of the different regions of the IPA.

Psicoanalisi also publishes essays considered to be classical papers in the field of psychoanalysis that are reviewed and discussed by one or two colleagues of different theoretical orientations, and it includes a section with reviews of both Italian and international psychoanalytical literature.

Editorial Board

Giovanna Ambrosio (Director), Annita Gallina (Vice Director), Simona Di Segni (Chief Editor), Simona Argentieri, Annalisa Ferretti, Adolfo Pazzagli

Web address: https://www.aipsi.it/pubblicazioni/rivista/

Publisher: Franco Angeli Editore, viale Monza 106 -20127 Milano

Tel. +39-02-2895762 - Fax +39-02-26141958
