Psike İstanbul Psychoanalytic Association
PSIKE Istanbul is one of the two associations in Turkey that is responsible for psychoanalytic formation since 2003.
Members, Candidates
Members: 43
Candidates: 51
Short History
PSIKE Istanbul was founded in 2003 to promote, disseminate and develop psychoanalysis in Turkey as a theory that explains the psychic mechanism, a method that investigates psychic processes, a treatment based on this method and a tradition that passes this knowledge from generation to generation.
Founded: 2003
IPA Study Group since 2009
IPA Provisional Society since 2015
IPA Component Society since 2019
Training Institute
Training model: Eitington 2014
Contact Pınar Limnili
To date, there have been 9 different classes in training. A new class is opened every two years. We have 50 candidates, 41 analysts and 11 training and supervising analysts.
Present projects/program
Theoretical Seminars:The first two years consist of the main articles of Sigmund Freud. In the following years, leading theorists of psychoanalysis such as Klein, Winnicott, Bion, Guntrip, Fairbairn, Rosenfeld, Green are studied (256 hours in 4 years). Theoretical seminars cover both theoretical and technical knowledge.
Post-Theoretical Seminars for the candidates who have completed the compulsory 4 years of theoretical training. These advanced seminars focus mostly on contemporary texts or topics. Candidates follow these seminars regularly until they become an analyst. (20 hours per year).
Clinical Seminars: There are two clinical seminar groups, accessible for canditates who have been approved for having a control case on the couch. Candidates follow these seminars regularly untl they become an analyst. (36 hours per year)
Voluntary Seminars: To date on 9 different topics have been held for at least 2 years. Most of the voluntary seminars are still ongoing.
Continous Education Seminars: Theoretical and clinical seminars for analysts in the context of a specific psychoanalytic concept with a trainer invited from abroad (Min. 12 hours per year).
Other structures within the Society
Working Groups: Continuous group work, leaded by one or more analysts, and offered both to analysts and candidates. Groups can be constituted on various topics. So far there have been “Actual” Group; and the Working Group on The Psychoanalytic Discussion of the Group Dynamics of Turkish Republic Through the Specimens of Turkish Literature. Furthermore, a new group on Trauma and Disaster is on the way after the February 6th tragic eartquake in Turkey.
“Actual” Group: This working group was founded to share feelings and experiences in the face of social events in Turkey and the world and to make sense of these experiences through psychoanalytic readings.
Small Working Groups with Candidates: These groups formed for candidates to share the difficulties they experienced in extraordinary situations such as first the pandemic then the earthquake. The studies with small groups last for 3-4 sessions depending on the needs of the group members.
Special scientific / clinical / outreach activites
Psychoanalytic Views: These symposia held annually around a specific theme of the year.
One Theory One Master: Each year a master of psychoanalysis in history is studied in depth with a contemporary master of psychoanalysis.
“Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars is open to the participation of everyone who would like to study primary psychoanalytic texts.
“Second Step: Case Studies” is a structured around presentations and discussions through the active participation of participants who have completed the “Introduction to Psychoanalysis” seminars, is open to the mental health professionals.
Psychoanalysis and Education: Symposia on education and psychoanalysis organised by outreach committe in collaboration with Educational Institutions Counseling Services.
Psychoanalysis and The Artist: Outreach committee holds panels around the works of various artists.
Cinema Evenings: Film discussions held monthly through a psychoanalytic perspective on a choosen topic of the year.
Ethics Committee
Contact: Ozay Ozdemir
IJP Turkish Annuals
Psychoanalytic Library
The Language of Psychoanalysis: Annual e-Journal
Cooperations with other Institutions, Universities, etc.
Psychoanalytic Discussions are held in collaboration with Istanbul Psychoanalytic Association.
Thinking on the Border: Joint conferences of thirteen psychoanalytic societies of Balkan-Mediterian area