EPF Online Conference


The online conference will take place on Friday 26th, Saturday 27th, Sunday 28th March 2021. There will be 3 main plenaries as usual for each day. On Friday and Saturday there will be 5 parallel panels mid-morning and afternoon. The programme is based on the programme of the cancelled 2020 conference. Some panels will take place as part of an EPF online seminar or the EPF conference in 2022

Plenary Speakers: Werner Bohleber, Judy Gammelgaard, Mary Hepworth, Stephan Doering, Andrea Marzi, Giuseppina Antinucci and Sylvain Missonnier.

Each participant will receive the abstract's leaflet of the panels..

A week prior to the conference each participant will receive an attachment with the links for plenaries and panels – this attachment will be issued only once – so it is important.

NB The online conference is limited to 1000 places so registration is recommended soon.

"Certification points“

Every participant who wants these certification points please contact . After this contact participants will receive a page of the attendants list by conventional post. This list needs to be signed and send back to Brigitte Reusch. After Brigitte Reusch has received this page, she will send the signed confirmation with the points and the evaluation questionnaire by post again."
